An autonomous device to pollinate and pest control in the greenhouse GRO initially created with the idea of improving pollination for agricultural purposes, especially as the number of pollinators in the world is drastically declining. From there, the solution evolved into a more holistic approach that not only focuses on pollination but also addresses the everyday needs and demands of farmers.


תמונה מלאה
תמונה מלאה
  • Defining the problem

Defining the problem

The global decline of pollinators, poses a serious threat to, agriculture, and food security, as they play a vital role in pollinating plants essential for agriculture.

In addition, farmers face many other challenges, including pests, fluctuating temperatures, long hours of labor and many more.


The main goal was to optimize the yields of the growers by providing analysis and control, monitoring conditions, automated pesticide spraying, and supporting pollination.

  • Process


Create initial sketches and mockups to explore forms, test components, develop 3D models and CAD designs, select a color palette, and gather inspiration.